Amy glared at her friend, more out of reflex than anger, while Alex confirmed her guess by shifting in the seat wordlessly.

“Were you expecting that?” There was a tinge of suspicion in Robinson’s question.

“No,” Amy said, turning to him, “not specifically. Just…”

“She had reason to think weird things would start happening,” Alex interrupted. He reached under the table and took her hand.

Barb stared at them both. “Okay, what is going on with you two?” She licked her lips, her eyes wide with recognition. “It was your trip, wasn’t it? Something happened up there!”

Amy and Alex traded glances. “Mark knows,” Alex said.

“So it’s true?” Robinson asked Amy, who nodded.

“What’s true?” Barb demanded.

Amy looked at Alex, who nodded, indicating she could tell Barb about their experience at the campground. She decided to keep it simple. “We saw a helicopter get shot down by a missile from a drone. The Air Force showed up and told us that the country is under attack.”



© 2018 Bradley Jarvis