“What was that about?” Barb asked Amy when she ended the call.

“Alex thinks Mark may have been intentionally killed in the fire,” she said.

Barb drove silently for a minute before responding. “Does that mean he believes your theory about God being behind everything that happened?”

Amy had nearly dismissed the idea until Alex’s suggestion. She recalled something she learned about in a philosophy class before dropping out of college because of the cost. “I think for Alex it’s like the ‘god of the gaps’ with an explanation to be found later.”

“So you still believe it?”

Amy knew that Barb’s faith didn’t include God being a micromanager. She decided to duck the question. “Remember, Derek said the technology doesn’t exist yet.”

“Technology that he knows about,” Barb countered. “But if you’re right, why kill Mark? We were already at David’s house. And don’t give me that copout about mysterious ways.”

She didn’t have an answer, which maybe was the answer. Both the methods and the motivation were still unknown.



© 2018 Bradley Jarvis